The Success Factor – Master The Secret Of A Winning Mindset


The Success Factor - Master The Secret Of A Winning Mindset

Solo Build It!


John Leach

Date Published



First Edition


978 – 1854585509


In this easy to dip into book John Leach sums up the key ingredients required of a winning mindset and to ultimately achieve personal and business success.

The book takes you through 10 steps and each one is then broken down into 10 ‘chapters’ each one focusing on a different success factor. What makes this book easy to read is the fact that each chapter is only two pages long and consists of an explanation of the success factor, relevant inspirational quotes and tips for its implementation.

Who Would Benefit From Reading This Book and Why?

This is a great book if you are a business owner or leader wanting to achieve success, or if you are a coach helping others to achieve the same.

Reviewer’s Opinion

For me this book pulls together and summarises the key factors of success that others may have written about in the past but presented in a very digestible format.

As a business coach, specialising in helping people to understand their values, so many messages in this book resonated with me. I particularly like the fact that the author John Leach doesn’t just define success in monetary terms but instead emphasizes too a more meaningful and spiritual element – the first chapter sets this scene by talking about ‘purpose,’ ‘passion’ and values.

But it certainly isn’t a book of ‘fluffy ideas – it also has plenty of practical tips that just make sense, and knowing that this book is written by a very successful business man in his own right adds further credibility to what he has written.

It is the sort of book that although I have read it through once I will now continue to dip into.


Louise Yates (business coach and facilitator) 

See Also:-

Braver Than You Think
7 Habits Of Highly Effective People
Let My People Go Surfing
Personal Development Books

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