Solutions Focused Coaching Is A Powerful Approach

One really powerful approach to coaching is solutions-focused coaching. At its core is the focus on helping the coachee find solutions rather than problems, building on strengths rather than weaknesses and finding positive ways forward rather than examining barriers.

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By directing energy in a positive way focusing on strengths and working towards a solution, a coachee will feel motivated and energised rather than de-motivated and demoralised, a feeling you have probably experienced when problems and difficulties are discussed and analysed.

Its roots are in Solutions Focused Therapy however, it is Paul Z Jackson and Mark McKergow who have taken this approach and related it to coaching. See their book The Solutions Focus: Making Coaching and Change SIMPLE.

Integral to the Solutions Focused approach to coaching are a set of principles, the SIMPLE principles and any good coach claiming to take a solutions focused coach will adopt these principles throughout their sessions. The OSKAR coaching model is also associated with this approach

The other great thing about Solution Focused Coaching is that solutions can be arrived at in a very short time…with the absence of lengthy problem analysis instead just a few solutions focused questions your coachee may make progress in a matter of minutes. See Coaching Plain & Simple: Solution-focused Brief Coaching Essentials (Norton Professional Books) by Peter Szabo (Paperback - 7 April 2009)

So if you are considering coaching do have a look at coaches offering Solutions Focused Coaching. If you are already a coach and haven’t yet experienced this approach then I highly recommend you find out more – it’s really made a massive impact on my clients and I doubt I will ever find a use for focusing on the problem ever again.

Further Reading:

The Solutions Focus: Making Coaching and Change SIMPLE by Paul Z Jackson and Mark McKergow (Paperback - 14 Dec 2006)

Coaching Plain & Simple: Solution-focused Brief Coaching Essentials (Norton Professional Books) by Peter Szabo (Paperback - 7 April 2009)

See Also:-

Different Coaching Approaches
Values Based Coaching
Non Directive Coaching
Directive Coaching
Content Focused Coaching
Goal Focused Coaching
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) coaching
SIMPLE Coaching principles
OSKAR Coaching Model

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